Friday, May 29, 2015

Elias The Artist on the Alchemical Mercuries

First I would like to open with a poem:

Alchemist: Master of Metallic Generation

Collect the dew at Golden Dawn,
Ferment with metal of might and Brawn,
Seal in container Hermetically Tight.
Set in a windowsill exposed to light.
As the Sun travels throughout the day,
the sprites of the mercury begin to play.
When the fires of the distillery begin to burn.
A sum a day the philosopher will earn.

Theory of the Great Work

I write with great industry and shall not disguise my intent nor try to deceive, for the age that has come, that of Aquarius, is one in which humanity is ready to receive this work openly. Evil already possesses this technology, and the poor deserve it more than ever. It is nature's abundance, and we all deserve access to it. Now let us go forth into a golden age!

It has been my discovery, that sugar is likened to the salts of the blood. Both sustain the kingdoms of nature in their entirety by providing all known elements needed for biological function. As animals have progressed from the sea, which originally provided all elemental nourishment, this was recreated in the blood system and is accessible through the urinary by-products. For plants, the saps provide all tissue nourishment on a similar level, however mainly carbohydrate in nature as opposed to protein in nature, accessible through sugar extracts. What is unique about these fluids is that they are de-differentiated like human stem cells. Meaning they do not serve one particular elemental function, but rather contain an indeterminable slurry of elements that can be considered un-formed, or de-materialized if you will. This is the hallmark of the sought after ORMUS materials or M-State matter that literally has not stabilized in our reality yet. However, these materials are locked into crystalline matrices that keep these ephemeral atoms stable.

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